Saturday, August 4, 2012

Impromptu Singing and Dancing during Thunderstorm

Praises:   August 4th and we have a beautiful sunny day here in Sisseton, South Dakota.
                Wiffle ball created unity between children, teens and adults.
                Open hearts here in Sisseton.
                After a night of stomach bug, much like last years, 
                Claudia has bounced back and feeling better.

           Our family and team has had the privilege to reach out to two Christian and Missionary Churches here in Sisseton, South Dakota.   As the week has progressed we find many generations of families attending VBS, and we are as the Lord led, brothers and sisters in Christ encouraging and loving each other.
            Prayer and diligent devotions begin our busy days here in Sisseton.   Finding time to spend in quiet time with the Lord is challenging during the week full of lists we have created with eagerness in fulfilling what we have planned for the week to bless many here in Sisseton.  This week, we have heard messages from Charlotte Dance, Kim LaCroix and Chris Williams.    All inspiring and encouraging to give us provisions to work together in unity through the hot humid weather  while ministering here in Sisseton. South Dakota.

           Each day of VBS we were blessed with children arriving and participating from infants to teenagers.  Many of the children's parents made the decision to stay and listen to our message of "First Responders". 

Fireman Fred appeared each day of VBS to share a message of hope and love with the children.

Emily and Charlotte enjoying hugs.  Emily has a brother Gage who also attended VBS.

Breanna had lots of energy and excitement for VBS, as she returned on Friday with all the bracelets she created the day before.  She was full of hugs and love for us.

During the campfire, we had an opportunity to have fellowship and share our lives, encourage one another and talk about the love and joy in serving the Lord.

Worship was blessed,  and led by Kim LaCroix.  Sydney had all the songs memorized from Treasure Hunters and Claudia  was happy to join her in teaching the songs to VBS children, teens and parents.

While we said good-bye to the children the last day of VBS, and all the children picked up their school supplies, I had an opportunity to pray with a few of the children individually for their upcoming school year and  that they would accept Jesus in their hearts.

Karen posted about the thunderstorm that brought much needed rain to the community, and our campfire was cancelled and moved the Jiffy pop contest inside.  

There was  thunderstorm outside, wind blowing, rain pouring, outside our faithful wiffle ball, soft ball players continued on playing and then... The OVERALL vote for activity ....sing VBS songs along with long time friends and new friends.  Yes, we had an IMPROMPTU song service on a Friday night. 

Yes, even though VBS was over, the majority of the children wanted to continue on their own activities of VBS.  I was tired from all the days events, but felt a deep contentment that our messages for the week were heard and taken to heart.

Prayer requests:
Jeremiah, our youngest attender has had pneumonia.  Please pray for his healing and continued strength for his mom, who is expecting in December.
Please pray for health and safety of our children and adults.
Today is the basketball tournament and picnic, pray that many relationships would be built in the community.  The picnic has been blessed in many ways this week already.
Pray for safe travels as we head home tomorrow after 2 church services and a pot luck.
Last night,  two of our children, Claudia and Aspen were not feeling well.  This afternoon, Claudia is feeling much better.

Tonight, Campfire devotions led by Karen and Dunkl. donuts...stay tuned and thanks for reading and praying with us!


  1. I love reading about all the exciting things God is doing in this time you are giving to His people in Sisseton. Praying for continued blessings!

  2. Thanks Liz.After last night and being sick this morning we got fresh air and Claudia and I made it to the picnic in the park and enjoyed corn in the cob and brats. Your words of encouragement are treasured.
